
Red Hair

7 Mar

Red Hair


Shooting Carina Bachmann

Old photos found

27 Jul

i stumbled upon a few old photos from shootings i had bout two years ago, makes me want to do that again, i loved shootings *.*

this one was early in the morning, location: zurich ‘niederdΓΆrfli’ πŸ™‚

nice photographer, he loved my smile and said i remind him of fiona hefti, a miss swiss. πŸ˜‰



the next one was in summer, a hot day. it was my first and only bodypainting but i really loved it, it was a very interesting experience. it was a project where the guy made an exhibition, showing the elements, i was the ice princess, the good and the bad. i had some difficulties to get the white lenses into my eyes, but i had a lot of fun, i could scream at him and throw ‘snowballs’ at him and ‘snow’.. well, it was plastic, but just as much fun πŸ˜€


this one was for the label i now am working for, SuitArt. it’s from the time when they worked together with a label for weddingdresses which long ago had to close cause they didn’t have many customers and honestly, women are difficult :p


the next one was from a dance shooting project, i did the hip-hop and the ballet dancer. you already know one of the pictures:


not hard to see this one’s the ballet dancer πŸ™‚

and now the proof that i am strong πŸ˜‰ :p


i had to hold this pose for several minutes cause the photographer liked it so much, he was fascinated that i could do this for so long an still wanted to make another one 0.0

the last one is actually from the first shooting i did, most people can’t believe it’s me, though i think i don’t look much different than i usually do if i take my hair straight back :O


i don’t look anything like that anymore with my short, faded red hair but i’m letting it grow again now.. πŸ™‚


My Onlineshop

18 Jul

I have launched an onlineshop, i’m now selling tights πŸ™‚ it’s still a lot of work until the page is perfect, but i love the pictures and the layout and especially my tights of course πŸ˜‰

i’m proud to present to you: TwoTights

feel free to add a comment about the tights and of course if you like some i’d love to send them to you if you order a pair :*

also, we’re working on a translation of the side so you know what i’m talking about there πŸ™‚


if you have any suggestions or a question write me to

xoxoxo carina



7 Jun


When i need a break from work

24 Sep

…… this happens…..


That’s now the new cover for my Laptop. My eyes couldn’t stand looking at the screen anymore so i had to do something else..

A new swatch and it’s pink

11 Sep

I bought a new watch because as cool as my old one is, i grew tired of it. Now i have a brand new one and it’s neon pink, but the best about my new swatch is the ‘monster’ i got with it.


Jelina’ll be happy, she’s got a new toy πŸ˜‰


Cute, that little thing, isn’t it?
Did you know that swatch is NOT short for swiss watch but for second watch?

Uuuh, do you like it? ^^

Back to pink

8 Sep

I intended to dye my hair a very light blonde.


Luckily my mom agreed to put all the dye on my hair. Can you already guess what my hair lookes like after washing? No, of course not… Well, i had that super cool pink hair a while ago and they told me it wouldn’t wash out and i couldn’t make it blonde. After a few weeks it started to fade from the sun. That’s why i then didn’t believe in the other thing, about the not bleaching part… BUT: that was true…


That’s what my hair looke like after putting the whole lot of bleaching on my hair.. First i thought i’d jut dye the roots pink and everything is fine but while blowdrying my hair i started to really like the way it looks now. Because it looks like my hair’s natural colour is this light blonde.

Now guys, what do you think? Like that freaky colourmix?

A waistcoat-tailcoat mix

1 Sep

A while ago, i posted a sketch of a waistvoat i planned to sew. For those who haven’t seen it (and for those who forgot how it looked like), this is what i had in mind:


After i found the fabric i wanted (very dark purple) i had to wait a while until it arrived here. In this time a made the pattern, bought the lining (mintgreen) and made my covered buttons (pink).
All in all, it was an easy piece to sew, it just took me a while to figure out what to do with the armhole. But don’t worry, i finally decided how to make this and now…….. It’s finished! πŸ˜€


I know, it doesn’t quite fit my dress form (i have to admit, her waist is a bit fatter than mine) but i can happily say, it fits me perfect.


It reminds me a bit of a circus, especially looking from the side. The pink buttons make it look like something that really is from me, and the green lining gives it an additional ‘me’ look when i take it off. I’m just still not quite decided what it is called. A waistcoat it short – a tailcoat has no buttons… (that’s what i heard at least)
So what is that thing exactly called?

And even more important, do you like it? I’ll soon post a picture with me wearing it πŸ˜‰

Chocolate over chocolate, who could resist?

28 Aug

I thought when i not eat chocolate anymore, i’ll lose some weight. That’s why i even came up with that challenge. After 3 weeks i realised that i didn’t lose any weight at all. And i can tell you why: i can’t stay without sweets (sugar) for a long time so instead of chocolate i just ate all kind of other unhealthy things. After that realisation hit, i broke my promise to not eat chocolate. Yes i know, you may ask why i didn’t go on for just one more week. Well, it’s easy, i still want to lose that weight i gained in the last half year so now i do some sport again and i forbid myself to go to mcdonalds amd burger king, drink lowfat frappuccinos without whipped cream and try to eat a bit healthier in general, but i will eat some chocolate every now and then. Right now i try to eat no carbohydrates in the evening but vegetables and meat and fruits and salad. I started to eat just a lowfat quark for supper and that went pretty well, i was full after that. For dinner i had salad and a bit of an avocado. That’s what i call a healthy meal! And it was funny too, because my husband and me ate in the train and met a friend there. He’s part american and he just threw me strange glances while i was eating my salad directly out of that plastic bag it was in. I even bought a little bottle of french dressing and just put the whole in, that plastic bag was watherproof (often they make holes in these bags for air and when i bought it i searched for one without wholes).

Today i’ll eat at my parent’s, that means it won’t be too healthy. That’s why i only ate a whole grain crispbread for breakfast, with this i won’t get hungry again for the next hours.

Does anyone have other tipps for healthy food? I’m open to learn a lot.


(this was my dinner a few days before i started with my challenge)

I intended to buy lining, but I came home with 3 additional pieces of fabric

25 Aug

Tuesday i went to buy the lining for my waistcoat. My husband promised me to bring me the fabric that evening and i planned to start wednesday with the sewing process. I’m pretty proud of how far I came along with the sewing, I got the edging in. Today I cut out the lining and managed to sew it together and even got it sewn in at the collar. I’m just still not quite sure about how to go with the sleeve, or more with the armhole.

Now what I wanted to tell you: when I was at my father-in-law’s fabric shop, I didn’t buy only that lining. While I was looking through the ones outside, which were on sale, one caught my eye and I knew: my mom would love this one, so I bought enough to make anything and decided to make it her christmas present. When I showed her the fabric, she got very excited. We don’t know yet what to make, but I’ll soon sit down and make a few sketches.

See the fabric:


All summer long, I’ve been looking for a fabric with little flowers. The summerdress I made should’ve been out of such a fabric. But I couldn’t find any. Now when I was looking through the rows of fabric, guess what I found? Right, a fabric with cute little flowers. I think I’m gonna make a dress for Jelina with this one and maybe I’ll make one for me too, but this all has to wait for the nexr summer.

But this was not all I bought. There was this one fabric, soft and light. It is white with beautiful, big roses printed on it.


I instantly fell in love with it. And it’s the only fabric I bought, where I already know what exactly I’m gonna make. I imagine a long evening dress, strapless and thight down to the knees and down from there, it will be wide. It will have lining all the way down to the seam but in the upper part, I’ll sew it like a corsage, including bones to hold it up. As soon as I get some free time and a white paper I’ll make a sketch of this one. In my mind it is already planned out. But first things first, I have to finish the cobalt blue dress and my waistcoat and next I want to make a bra and panties. And then I’ll try a corsage inspired from a long time ago, which should make me stand straight and help my back. Uuh, a lot of work is waiting for me, but as long as I really, really love to sew that’s perfect πŸ™‚