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Old photos found

27 Jul

i stumbled upon a few old photos from shootings i had bout two years ago, makes me want to do that again, i loved shootings *.*

this one was early in the morning, location: zurich ‘niederdΓΆrfli’ πŸ™‚

nice photographer, he loved my smile and said i remind him of fiona hefti, a miss swiss. πŸ˜‰



the next one was in summer, a hot day. it was my first and only bodypainting but i really loved it, it was a very interesting experience. it was a project where the guy made an exhibition, showing the elements, i was the ice princess, the good and the bad. i had some difficulties to get the white lenses into my eyes, but i had a lot of fun, i could scream at him and throw ‘snowballs’ at him and ‘snow’.. well, it was plastic, but just as much fun πŸ˜€


this one was for the label i now am working for, SuitArt. it’s from the time when they worked together with a label for weddingdresses which long ago had to close cause they didn’t have many customers and honestly, women are difficult :p


the next one was from a dance shooting project, i did the hip-hop and the ballet dancer. you already know one of the pictures:


not hard to see this one’s the ballet dancer πŸ™‚

and now the proof that i am strong πŸ˜‰ :p


i had to hold this pose for several minutes cause the photographer liked it so much, he was fascinated that i could do this for so long an still wanted to make another one 0.0

the last one is actually from the first shooting i did, most people can’t believe it’s me, though i think i don’t look much different than i usually do if i take my hair straight back :O


i don’t look anything like that anymore with my short, faded red hair but i’m letting it grow again now.. πŸ™‚


A new swatch and it’s pink

11 Sep

I bought a new watch because as cool as my old one is, i grew tired of it. Now i have a brand new one and it’s neon pink, but the best about my new swatch is the ‘monster’ i got with it.


Jelina’ll be happy, she’s got a new toy πŸ˜‰


Cute, that little thing, isn’t it?
Did you know that swatch is NOT short for swiss watch but for second watch?

Uuuh, do you like it? ^^

Back to pink

8 Sep

I intended to dye my hair a very light blonde.


Luckily my mom agreed to put all the dye on my hair. Can you already guess what my hair lookes like after washing? No, of course not… Well, i had that super cool pink hair a while ago and they told me it wouldn’t wash out and i couldn’t make it blonde. After a few weeks it started to fade from the sun. That’s why i then didn’t believe in the other thing, about the not bleaching part… BUT: that was true…


That’s what my hair looke like after putting the whole lot of bleaching on my hair.. First i thought i’d jut dye the roots pink and everything is fine but while blowdrying my hair i started to really like the way it looks now. Because it looks like my hair’s natural colour is this light blonde.

Now guys, what do you think? Like that freaky colourmix?

Chocolate over chocolate, who could resist?

28 Aug

I thought when i not eat chocolate anymore, i’ll lose some weight. That’s why i even came up with that challenge. After 3 weeks i realised that i didn’t lose any weight at all. And i can tell you why: i can’t stay without sweets (sugar) for a long time so instead of chocolate i just ate all kind of other unhealthy things. After that realisation hit, i broke my promise to not eat chocolate. Yes i know, you may ask why i didn’t go on for just one more week. Well, it’s easy, i still want to lose that weight i gained in the last half year so now i do some sport again and i forbid myself to go to mcdonalds amd burger king, drink lowfat frappuccinos without whipped cream and try to eat a bit healthier in general, but i will eat some chocolate every now and then. Right now i try to eat no carbohydrates in the evening but vegetables and meat and fruits and salad. I started to eat just a lowfat quark for supper and that went pretty well, i was full after that. For dinner i had salad and a bit of an avocado. That’s what i call a healthy meal! And it was funny too, because my husband and me ate in the train and met a friend there. He’s part american and he just threw me strange glances while i was eating my salad directly out of that plastic bag it was in. I even bought a little bottle of french dressing and just put the whole in, that plastic bag was watherproof (often they make holes in these bags for air and when i bought it i searched for one without wholes).

Today i’ll eat at my parent’s, that means it won’t be too healthy. That’s why i only ate a whole grain crispbread for breakfast, with this i won’t get hungry again for the next hours.

Does anyone have other tipps for healthy food? I’m open to learn a lot.


(this was my dinner a few days before i started with my challenge)

Running sushi, food from a conveyor

20 Aug

I went to an asian restaurant called ‘tenmanya’ with these two guys:


You have to book early enough, for if you don’t you won’t get a table at the conveyor belt. The delicious little bits of food come on little plates, everything fresh and you can just pick it up, all you can eat for only 17.95€ (i’m not quite sure about the prize, it was something with 17…€)


They have everything you can think of, i didn’t get to take a photo from the sushi, when we came, they only put very little on the conveyor anymore, they already started with the desserts.


The sauce comes with the conveyor too, as well as a watery looking coconut milk and i once got hold of a plate with two shrimps chips (kroepek or something like this, i never know their real name)

I now have to tell you that i had some chocolate ice cream, but who could resist 20 or so cups with chocolate ice cream going past you?! And i had a chocolate marshmallow too. These went past me several time because nobody picked them.


The conveyor is pretty long, you can just walk around the end of it, but not put a table there.

We were the very last to leave, in the first picture you can see that they already cleaned the conveyor. When you pay, adults get a little cup with something alcolic. The beverage isn’t special, but the cup. The bottom is coming up like the half of a crystall ball and on the ground is a picuter of either a naked woman or man, men get a woman and women get a men. You can only see this picture when the cup is full though.
If anyone knows where to buy them, i want some! That’d be great fun if you have some friends at home. ^^

Finally again, after waiting forever

17 Aug

I’ve just had my first vanilla coke FOR YEARS! You couldn’t buy it anywhere in switzerland, or at least nowhere i knew. But now, finally one of the big discounters, Migros is selling it. They only have these little, 0.25l cans, but that’s okay. A friend of mine told me, they now sell it at Aperto too, when i ever come by one, i’ll have to see that for myself.


You should know, i like uncomon combinations of things, like this coke. After my non chocolate challenge, i’ll go search for that lemonade which should taste like, guess what, chocolate.. We’ll see how that is πŸ˜‰

My strange sense of tastes goes for the food too, if you’ve never tasted a duck with sweet coconut sauce.. Well, you should have that once.

Now have a nice day while i’m in my studio, working like crazy to finish my dress asap.

It’s half time of my first chocolate free month

16 Aug

Amd so far, it went very good. I’ve resisted all chocolate everyone wanted to give me and i’m proud ^^
i now have to tell you, the chocolate fondue my friend and me wanted to have after the first month won’t happen. My best friend’s birthday/goodbye party is that night and at the same night i’ll go to the fight night in the grand casino (vip, thank you so much darling, i love you).
So instead of filling my stomach with fruits dipped in chocolate, my family will go to this mongolian all you can eat restaurant next sunday. AND: they have the BEST chocolate mousse ever! So that sunday i’ll just eat as much as i want, including chocolate mousse. You’ll understand why i love to go there after the post i’ll do.

Yummie, can’t wait for sunday. But first i’m gonna sew a bit… Or better a lot πŸ˜‰

One week done, three to go

8 Aug

I’ve gone through my first week without chocolate. Phew.. It was hard at times, i had to resist this:



That’s one rack FULL of delicious swiss chocolate, asking me to eat it. I couldn’t even get it all on one picture so i had to take one from the front and one from the back. Eating no chocolate isn’t even that hard if you jut stay ar home and nobody brings you chocolate. But as soon as you go out you have to remind youself that you can’t eat that crΓͺpe with chocolate but you have to take something eles. But on the bright side, i tried out a nice apricot-yogurt ice cream when normally i’d’ve just taken a chocolate one.

I’m happy to anounce that i have a fellow no chocolate eater, she’s one of my best friends and suggested we go through that together. Now when we manage to stay for one month without chocolate and loose some weight in this process, we’re going to have a chocolate fondue the first saturday of september. And after that i’ll go back to my no chocolate diet for another month.
Anyone else wants to join us?

No chocolate – for one month

2 Aug

Browsing some blogs, i saw many different challenges. Most of them say they won’t buy any new clothes for a year or at least until the end of this year. Others wear one selfmade piece everyday.
I think i could go with the first challenge, though i’d just spend most of my time in my studio, sewing new clothes. The second one would be a real problem, cause of my lack o selfmade things. I might do that in a year or so, when i’ve got enough dresses and jackets and pants and shirts and whatever else.

So for me, i’ve got something harder. I’m a chocoholic.


This is now banned from my meals.

So i now promise to not eat any chocolate in august. I started yesterday and i managed to go through the whole day, resisting my husbands offers of chocolate.
I exclude just one little thing: chocolate powder for my milk. Since i still don’t like coffee i stick to drinking milk, but i don’t like it pure, so i put chocolate powder in. And that i’ll keep doing during my chocolatefree month.

I still eat sweet things, but now they more look like this


I’m not sure yet whether i’ll allow myself to go to starbucks and have my hot chocolate or frappuccino chocolate but i think i’ll just have to resist the temptation to go there too.

Now, does anyone want to join? I’d love to not be alone with my challenge and hear how others are doing. And if i can make it one month, i might even make it for another month.
I’ll keep you up to date about how it’s going.

A happy non-chocolate august πŸ™‚

Happy birthday switzerland

1 Aug

I know i’m a bit late, but switzerland is now 720 years (and a few minutes) old.
To celebrate this, our village made a party and organised a firework.






I did a little video of this firework but sady i can’t upload it, so i had to take out a few pictures of that video 😦
My film would have been longer and i’d have better pictures if i wouldn’t’ve been busy firing it. ^^

So, before i fall asleep writing this: happy late birthday switzerland πŸ˜€